Specific cash sums can be left to SSRA INC.
A residual bequest enables you to provide for your family and friends first, with the residue left to SSRA INC. Over the years this amount will alter with inflation but you will not need to remake your Will.
It is possible to leave SSRA INC property or shares or indeed to make SSRA INC the beneficiary of a life insurance policy.
You may want to ensure that your Will provides for family members or friends to benefit from your estate during their lifetime. By establishing a trust in your Will your property and income derived from your estate can be used by this person or persons during their lifetime. After their death, the capital and interest can then be passed on to SSRA INC.
Firstly, you need to have an up-to-date, clearly written Will that complies with the necessary legal requirements. We therefore advise that you consult a solicitor.
When having a solicitor draw up your Will, consider the size and kind of bequest you would like to make.
In an existing Will a clause containing the following words can be used:
“I GIVE (put in the details of the bequest here) free from all debts (secured and unsecured) and all duties (whether federal or state) payable in respect of my estate to Sweet Shepherd Rescue Australia Inc. ABN: 76 490 366 568 PO Box 920 Wonthaggi Vic 3995 and I DECLARE that a receipt of the Secretary or Treasurer for the time being of the said Sweet Shepherd Rescue Australia Inc. shall be a full and sufficient discharge of this bequest to my executor(s).”
It may help to use fairly general wording, to allow for changes that may happen over time, and to keep flexibility in the ways that work and assistance can be directed and delivered. One could say, for example, that a gift is “to be used by Sweet Shepherd Rescue Australia Inc. to continue saving, rehabilitating and rehoming dogs”.
However a benefactor could specify that they want their bequest used in a particular kind of work, or to benefit a particular group of people, and specify that it be used “to directly assist in the rescue of a senior dog”, in which case we would make sure that it was spent in that way. Or you could specify that it be used to develop ongoing education programs within the community to raise awareness regarding the breed.
If you already have a Will you can add a codicil as a supplement. As with your Will, codicils must comply with the same legal requirements as the Will.
The information above is for your guidance only and should not be relied on as legal advice. Please contact and discuss matters relating to your Will and a bequest to SSRA INC with your solicitor.
We understand that making your Will is a very personal matter. But if you have already included SSRA INC in your Will, or are considering doing so, it is a great help if you let us know. We would like to thank you personally, and this provides the opportunity for you to discuss your wishes with us.
All bequest information passed on to SSRA INC is held in the utmost confidence.
For more information on making a bequest or to advise us of your intentions, please contact:
SSRA INC is endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as an income tax exempt charity and as a deductible gift recipient. All donations over $2 are tax deductible.